Cranial Sacral Therapy


What is Cranial Sacral Therapy?

Cranial Sacral Therapy is becoming a treatment of choice for its ability to bolster resistance to disease and its effect for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction. Also called CST, or cranial osteopathy, it is a gentle, non-invasive, hands-on technique, developed by an American osteopathic physician almost one hundred years ago.

CST theory and practice is based on understanding the continuous subtle movements of the cranial bones, which result in a rhythm of approximately six to twelve cycles per minute. This rhythm is understood as a response to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) fluctuations within the spinal cord and brain environment.The subtle movement extends outward to the entire body, in response to the fluid pressure changes around the CNS.

A therapist gently works with the spine and the skull, and its cranial sutures, diaphragms, and fascia. By using the hands as fine discriminating tools, Cranial sacral therapists are able to detect disturbances in the rhythm to help them identify areas of dysfunction, such as cranial, sutural, membrane and other soft tissue restrictions in the body. The therapist gently facilitates release of tensions and restrictions deep within the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole body health and performance.

Clients remain clothed during a treatment and treatments are generally one hour long.

How a treatment helps:

  1. helps restore normal cranial mobility

  2. releases abnormal myofascial restrictions and tensions in the body

  3. releases abnormal restrictions in the head

  4. eases restrictions of nerves

  5. optimizes cerebrospinal fluid movement through the central nervous system

  6. helps restore misaligned bones to their proper positions (assisting troubles with back, hips, shoulders, knees)

  7. brings deep calm and restorative rest.


Kate Holden completed her advanced training in Cranial Sacral Therapy with practitioner and teacher, Robert Harris of the Cranial Therapy Centre in Toronto.  She has taken additional courses with Harris in Visceral Release techniques, and worked as an assistant to his intermediate and advanced courses.

Kate’s physical experience as a dance artist provides her with a  refined physical awareness and sensitivity as a therapist. She is exploring incorporating Cranial Sacral concepts into her dance practice and is appreciative of how each practice influences the other.