Kate Holden

Moving Bodies class does not currently have a regular session. 

Please contact me if you would like to host one in your space, it can be run as a series or a single workshop.

For professional dancers:

Kate Holden’s professional classes focus on an integrated approach of body and mind to cultivate an open and responsive body in motion.  Anchored in contemporary dance technique the exercises use elements of release, weight and momentum moving in and out of the floor. The class moves from simple floorwork into more complex patterns and combinations.   There is often use of body work, somatic imagery and improvisatory elements intertwined with set combinations.

Kate has previously been a guest teacher at Dancemakers, The Canada Dance Festival, The School of Toronto Dance Theatre, and Performing Arts High Schools across Toronto.

Upcoming  Drop-in Classes:

….Stay tuned

For inquiries please contact me at kate.e.holden@gmail.com